Standard Scheaffer and Chris Vitello e-mailing back and forth on Lucipo about a textbook-type book of readings of interesting poems.

I think it would be doable as an anthology, and it would be cool if poets would do readings of their own poems.

Also, I did a "reading group guide" to Da3 on one of the sites -- borders, b&n, amazon -- I forget which one -- thought it would be amusing. Guess no one knows it is there.

restained the stairs and shelf this am, the whole quart of stain spilled on the driveway overnight. how does one clean this??? may glaze the dining room walls today -- gold -- friends of the family had a small chain of donut stores called "Golden Glaze" so this would make the dining room the donut room


I have a copy of the dead pope's book of poetry. Uh, if I have some time I'll post some here. It is ok.

There's a long history of popes writing poetry. They write it under their real names, not their pope names. I was actually going to write a paper about this in response to a paper I heard at a baroque poetry conference about baroque pope poetry.


Like everyone, I have a st. john of the cross project somewhere -- I am more interested in his commentaries and in the relationship to his good bud St. Teresa of Avila.



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