Poet Laureate nominations may come from people in the field of Literature (poets may self-nominate) and must be emailed to PL2011@cac.ca.gov.

Exception: If a nominator does not have access to email, nominations will be accepted by mail to the following:

California Arts Council
c/o Kristin Margolis
1300 I Street, Suite 930
Sacramento, CA 95814

Nominations must contain the following:
• A cover letter from the nominating organization or individual describing the qualifications of the nominating organization or individual.
• The name and biography of the poet to be nominated (300 words maximum). Note: A competitive biography would include a summary of significant awards and published literary works.
• A link to a complete vita or website if available.
• A summary of no more than a half-page indicating why the nominator considers the poet's work to be of the highest quality and representative of the State of California;
• Complete contact information for the nominated poet, including the following:
o Name
o Address
o Email and Website if available
o Phone
o Cell Phone if available
• Confirmation from the nominator that the poet has reviewed the job description in the California Government Code attached and agrees to the nomination.
• Three (3) poems by the nominated poet typed on 8 ½" x 11" papers single-sided.

• Nominations shall be limited to current residents of California.
• Nominees must have lived in California for at least 10 years.

Nominations must be received via email by the Arts Council and/or postmarked by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 1, 2011. If you have questions please contact Kristin Margolis at Kmargolis@cac.ca.gov (Nominations will not be accepted if sent to this email).


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