List of Doctors of the Catholic Church

St. Athanasius*298May 2, 3731568Egyptian(Ethnic Greek)Patriarch of Alexandria
St. Hilary of Poitiers*3003671851FrenchBishop of Poitiers
St. Ephrem*3063731920SyrianDeacon
St. Cyril of Jerusalem*3153861883JerusalemiteBishop of Jerusalem
St. Gregory Nazianzus*329January 25, 3891568Cappadocian(Ethnic Greek)Archbishop of Constantinople
St. Basil the Great*330January 1, 3791568Cappadocian(Ethnic Greek)Bishop of Caesarea
St. Ambrose*340 (ca.)April 4, 3971298ItalianBishop of Milan
St. John Chrysostom*3474071568Syrian (EthnicGreek)Archbishop of Constantinople
St. Jerome*347 (ca.)September 30, 4201298DalmatianPriest, monk
St. AugustineDoctor Gratiae (Doctor of Grace)*354August 28, 4301298North African(Ethnic Latin)Bishop of Hippo
St. Cyril of AlexandriaDoctor Incarnationis (Doctor of theIncarnation)*376July 27, 4441883EgyptianPatriarch of Alexandria
St. Leo the Great*400November 10, 4611754ItalianPope
St. Peter Chrysologus*4064501729ItalianBishop of Ravenna
St. Gregory the Great*540 (ca.)March 12, 6041298ItalianPope
St. Isidore of Seville*560April 4, 6361722SpanishBishop of Seville
St. Bede the Venerable*672May 27, 7351899EnglishPriest, monk
St. John Damascene*676December 5, 7491883SyrianPriest, monk
St. Peter Damian1007February 21, 10721828ItalianCardinal Bishop of Ostia, monk,O.S.B.
St. AnselmDoctor Magnificus (Magnificent Doctor)1033 or 1034April 21, 11091720ItalianArchbishop of CanterburyO.S.B.
St. Bernard of ClairvauxDoctor Mellifluus (Mellifluous Doctor)1090August 21, 11531830FrenchPriest, O.Cist.
St. Albertus MagnusDoctor Universalis (Universal Doctor)1193November 15, 12801931GermanBishop of Regensburg, Theologian,O.P.
St. Anthony of Padua and LisbonDoctor Evangelicus(Evangelizing Doctor)1195June 13, 12311946PortuguesePriest, O.F.M.
St. BonaventureDoctor Seraphicus (Seraphic Doctor)1221July 15, 12741588ItalianCardinal Bishop of Albano, Theologian, Minister General, O.F.M.
St. Thomas AquinasDoctor Angelicus (Angelic Doctor), Doctor Communis (Common Doctor)1225March 7, 12741568ItalianPriest, Theologian, O.P.
St. Catherine of Siena1347April 29, 13801970ItalianMysticO.P. (Consecrated virgin)
St. Teresa of Ɓvila1515October 4, 15821970SpanishMysticO.C.D. (Founder)
St. Peter Canisius1521December 21, 15971925DutchPriest, S.J.
St. John of the CrossDoctor Mysticus (Mystic Doctor)1542December 14, 15911926SpanishPriest, mysticO.C.D. (Founder)
St. Robert Bellarmine1542September 17, 16211931ItalianArchbishop of Capua, Theologian,S.J.
St. Lawrence of BrindisiDoctor Apostolicus (Apostolic Doctor)1559July 22, 16191959ItalianPriest, Diplomat, O.F.M. Cap.
St. Francis de SalesDoctor Caritatis (Doctor of Charity)1567December 28, 16221877FrenchBishop of Geneva
St. Alphonsus LiguoriDoctor Zelantissimus (Doctor Most Zealous)1696August 1, 17871871ItalianBishop of Sant'Agata de' Goti,C.Ss.R. (Founder)
St. ThĆ©rĆØse de LisieuxDoctor Amoris (Doctor of Love)


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