I linked to my site in class & blog, but, I?m afraid, you?d have more luck contacting other teachers of lit & the motion picture, those at different colleges than the jc where I adjunct, to get more sales. That said, do you know, as a reviewer myself, how many unsolicited books, queries, etc. I receive?

Also I do receive (and give) info about distribution. I have a former student on 1stbooks. He?s pretty happy with it, but definitely working the process of submitting to presses with his next book. My first book of reviews is probably going to be sent to a pod press, too. [WordTech!]

You might consider harvesting some e-mail addresses from the Loyolas, who run lots of courses on ethics, and the like. I sent out easily a thousand! e-mails about DaDaDa, but I haven?t begun to contact teachers directly, and as I type this, I realize it is the next step. I do send reading series info. out.

I?ll be in town until Thurs. The reading was swell. Two young poets; Stan, another friend, and I are starting a chapbook collective. Frankie is a good friend who runs a few reading series herself.

More soon,

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven C. Scheer

I was soon reading your blog with a great deal of fascination, especially your comments about DaDaDa and your teaching philosophy.

I have just ordered Marguerite Porete's "Mirror for Simple Souls." Hmm, it seems that nothing is too good for my preparation of the review. About your teaching philosophy: it's similar to mine - in many ways. I don't know what else (if anything) you may have read or just seen on my Web site, but there are three sections there devoted to the art of thinking and reading and writing. Like you, I have always taught literature as, among other things, a critical thinking enterprise. And, like you, I have always included reading in writing courses (in my case these were comp courses) and writing in lit courses. In fact, for the last 10 years or so of my teaching career I started each of my courses (whether comp or lit) with a special lecture (talk, really). I wrote this lecture up after my early retirement directly for my Web site. It's a summary of what I used to say, more or less, in class, and it's called "The Art of Reading."

Like you, I have only used essays and papers, too. In fact, I dropped the essays a fairly long time ago and replaced them with what I then called "paper-like take-home exams." There are some samples of these on my Web site as well, like "The Fictitious Term Paper" (which made me "famous" for a while at least in the State of Indiana) and A Blueprint for Melville's "Bartleby." Other of my assignments were less elaborate, but I have always striven for what I thought would most unleash my students' creativity.

Perhaps you might - if you think it deserves it - put in a good word here and there for my "Hollywood Values." Do check out the blurb and the table of contents. It's meant to be a simple book, but also a book that - albeit indirectly - "teaches" its readers about the art of reading. You can see what the book is all about right here:



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