chimney 16K
furnace ducting 700
will it trigger furnace replacement? 3K
electrical est 2500
220 for electric dryer: $___

pipes -- wait until leak, 2-5 yrs, then $6K + oppt'y to repermit baths
cheap furnace filter? HEPA too expensive? even w/ tax-d w/ doctor's note?
no air, no elect for air


Anonymous said…
Did you buy a fixr-upper? Or are you just contemplating one? Or are these problems in the house you've had a while? I'm in Baltimore visiting mes parents. The MLA was a drag--missed good talks in order to prepare and do horrible interviews. Had lunch in Chinatown very near the hotels w MD (whom you met in SD last year). Let's get together when I get back to LA (returning on Jan. 5th). Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
mobile home orange county california
Information => mobile home orange county california
Anonymous said…
Hi! I was doing a search for local blogs and found your fresno county court related site! I am also a local to Fresno and have a local parenting resource site that might interest you or your readers: Fresno Family. Just thought I'd mention it in case you or any of your fellow local bloggers might want to check it out. Its full of all kinds of local info for parents in the central valley. I've worked hard on it for nearly 5 years so there's a lot there. Anyway, take care!

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