Ah, looking for work. What's replaced the ever-lovin' PMP and Six Sigma wad of jargon? LEAN, based on Toyota (note: gosh, don't they have an overproduction/quality problem in the news? what role did this wad of jargon play in that?).
The 7 Wastes -- no, not the four noble truths --
Transportation, Inventory, Movement, Waiting, Over processing, Overproduction, Defects
also known as buy local, on demand/just in time, raw not cooked?
and since when are reports tools. argh.
what about Kaizen? no, not Zazen, the scientific method. but the focus is still on properly formulating the question and correctly structuring the experiment, no? no, its all about daily practice. no, it is all about the report.
The 7 Wastes -- no, not the four noble truths --
Transportation, Inventory, Movement, Waiting, Over processing, Overproduction, Defects
also known as buy local, on demand/just in time, raw not cooked?
and since when are reports tools. argh.
what about Kaizen? no, not Zazen, the scientific method. but the focus is still on properly formulating the question and correctly structuring the experiment, no? no, its all about daily practice. no, it is all about the report.