12th Annual ALAP (10-Minute) Playreading Festival

1. Spanksgiving << this is how I am spelling it, like "Thanksgiving"
Thomas J. Misuraca

It is about what you think it is about: two tops exchanging "water cooler" style remarks while following their scripts -- stereotypes about spanking. These intertwine very humorously, "you've been a bad girl" "it's hard to find a good woman."

2. Coyote
Ron Burch

More coyote facts! Obviously, I have a bias.

3. One Call
Mary F. Casey

Obviously, the call one gets when arrested.

[Note to self: has this changed? With the ubiquity of cell phones?]

4. Tragedy on West Utica
Catherine Pelonero

A funny story, well told.

5. Pere-Lachaise
Bridgette Portman

Lovely, well-written characters (Gerard de Nerval in a play -- gotta love it).

6. Ceremony
Kenny Hargrove

Funny, full of devices: flowers, then a box, a letter arrives....

7. Chitchat with the Succubus
Dan Berkowitz

(party host!)

Very funny. Well acted.


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