the animated features that are actually humorous

I DO NOT remember the position I was up for.

Executive was an engaging fellow, former LA Sheriff's Dept.  He looks at me.  He says something along the lines of, "I am a former blah from LA Sheriff's Dept."  Stare.  I say something along the lines of I have worked very effectively with the heads of IT Security/Data Center/Disaster Recovery in the past.  Stare.  "many people I know have worked in law enforcement, including my former colleague x, who worked her way up thru IT Security from law enforcement, and is now blah at more famous company."  Stare.  "My fiance's Dad is a Florida Sheriff, and because my father was involved in city government..."

Phone calls start pouring in, and he takes them.

He turns to me, and says that the data center is a hot pain.  It is located next to the concrete channel the LA River doesn't quite obey.

I say, "as you know, as you just said, never locate a data center -- particularly not the largest one for a major corporation -- in a flood zone.  I can help you with this."



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