More from the Phone Interview

Prepared Question:

Poor Student

Prepared Answer:

I haven't had students who kept showing up and working with me and the writing tutors who haven't met the course objectives. I have had the luxury of designing or redisigning all my courses to offer a blend of approaches / to display a variety of opportunities to different types of learners.

I have had students who refuse to write a required research paper -- drafting is always a recommended and supported option, and rewrites are always available to everyone -- and I have flunked students who have refused to write.

Prepared Question:

Bad Teacher -- students who consider you to be a bad teacher -- why? How are you a bad teacher?

Prepared Answer:

I'm not the "poet personality" many students come to poetry workshop expecting. I'm not touchy feely. I don't talk much about feelings and emotions or venting same in verse. I'm opinionated, I enforce a rigorous academic standard, and I expect writers in the workshop to read the writings of the other participants carefully.


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