A selected is VERY VERY interesting to me, since I've got about five different modes, and how they fit together is nowhere apparent. How about doing a jumbo one not a small one? I have about 600 pages previously-published (of varying quality) and another 200 pages in books – probably 300 pages or more online -- a “new and selected online works,” would be way fun, could even be full-length selected of around 100-200 pages. I don’t think it would be too burdensome to make into .pdf. And, since most of it was online at one point or another, I don’t care if it is free. Or if you want to try to vend it online and no one buys it and then it is free. Or if you can set it up pod once you have the .pdf and it doesn’t matter if no copies sell.
I’m about 10 – 20 years away from an “official” selected – if I ever get to that point. Just a wild whim. But we could do it!
I've got a trilogy sequel to DaDaDa (it is a four volume project) essentially completed; I'm afraid to throw too much of it online though. The last section, of which I'm particularly proud, is nearly book length and will be so when finished, but I don’t feel terribly secure in letting it all out in such a way that would preclude its paper publication, because I love these poems.
I've also got about ten mss. just sitting around (another trilogy of paper craft and cut ups, for example – required digital photos and scanning)!
I wrote the beginning of a book (30 sections, abt 35 pages) last February using Nintendo – I was reading in NY, but fresh out of the hospital – anyway, I spent the whole time either in my grim dinky hotel room with Nintendo not purchasing it but just going through the game controller options, and reading – this poem is intended to be "seeds" that pass through a number of texts on gardening (Cayce's Herbal, Torture Garden, -- there's one more), each time making a different poem -- the "seed" poem is about the right length, and doesn’t matter if gets published since it is intended-o to be part of a larger thing. There will be, I imagine, a game engine-written “player version” but I haven’t hopped on it yet.
I’m about 10 – 20 years away from an “official” selected – if I ever get to that point. Just a wild whim. But we could do it!
I've got a trilogy sequel to DaDaDa (it is a four volume project) essentially completed; I'm afraid to throw too much of it online though. The last section, of which I'm particularly proud, is nearly book length and will be so when finished, but I don’t feel terribly secure in letting it all out in such a way that would preclude its paper publication, because I love these poems.
I've also got about ten mss. just sitting around (another trilogy of paper craft and cut ups, for example – required digital photos and scanning)!
I wrote the beginning of a book (30 sections, abt 35 pages) last February using Nintendo – I was reading in NY, but fresh out of the hospital – anyway, I spent the whole time either in my grim dinky hotel room with Nintendo not purchasing it but just going through the game controller options, and reading – this poem is intended to be "seeds" that pass through a number of texts on gardening (Cayce's Herbal, Torture Garden, -- there's one more), each time making a different poem -- the "seed" poem is about the right length, and doesn’t matter if gets published since it is intended-o to be part of a larger thing. There will be, I imagine, a game engine-written “player version” but I haven’t hopped on it yet.