herriette wilson changes names:
Duke de Lerma Earl of Stair
Sir Violet Sigh-away Sir Henry Mildmay
Mr. Soso Captain Gronow
Mr. Satirical Harmless Sir Frank Hall Standish
Mr. Fox Mr. Reynolds
The Armenian General Armenteros
Lord Chatterbox Earl of Clanricarde
Mr. Squibb Mr. Stawb
Three Clock-cases The Lygons
Mr. Bellfield Col. Rochfort
Prince Stroll-about Prince Esterhazy
Mac Griffin Prince Mac Gregor
Mr. Boot-jack Mr. Livius
Mrs. Brawney Be-at-them Mrs. Brereton
Mrs. Teaze-all Mrs. Dun
Lady Sin-enough Lady Bolingbroke
Lady Top-knot Lady Hyde Parker
The Brussels Heroine Mrs. Lewis, alias Tomkins, alias, La Presidente (i.e., salonnierre Sabatier)
Duke de Lerma Earl of Stair
Sir Violet Sigh-away Sir Henry Mildmay
Mr. Soso Captain Gronow
Mr. Satirical Harmless Sir Frank Hall Standish
Mr. Fox Mr. Reynolds
The Armenian General Armenteros
Lord Chatterbox Earl of Clanricarde
Mr. Squibb Mr. Stawb
Three Clock-cases The Lygons
Mr. Bellfield Col. Rochfort
Prince Stroll-about Prince Esterhazy
Mac Griffin Prince Mac Gregor
Mr. Boot-jack Mr. Livius
Mrs. Brawney Be-at-them Mrs. Brereton
Mrs. Teaze-all Mrs. Dun
Lady Sin-enough Lady Bolingbroke
Lady Top-knot Lady Hyde Parker
The Brussels Heroine Mrs. Lewis, alias Tomkins, alias, La Presidente (i.e., salonnierre Sabatier)