available to trade (these books mostly cost me a dollar)

The owning Stone, Jim Peterson, Red hen, 1999 prize winner
Jonh & Job, Judson Jerome, john Daniel & Co, 1991, bible poems
the trouble making finch, len roberts, u of i press, some markings
lucid suitcase, dine wald, red hen, 1999, I reviewed this for boston review
ralph burns, swamp candles, iowa prize, 1996
gaylord brewer, devilfish, red hen, 1998 prize winner
norman stock, buying breakfast for my kamikaze pilot, mostly prose poems, peregrine smith winner, 1993
stephen gibson, rorschach art, red hen, 2001
for the kingdon, anthoony piccione, boa, 1995
good hope road, sturt discell, hardcover, nps tom lux selection, viking 1991


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