still trying to figure out the methodology for the issue 1 anthology, though "Luke Daly's" poem might be a WCW rewrite, with the red and the rain and the birds
found this on essay 411
Sources list for CATHERINE DALY
Dali, Salvador: (Essay in) "Dali, Dali, Dali" Draeger, Imprimateurs, 1974
"Invention of the Monsters"
Abrams, Harry N,: (Essay in) Dali, Dali, Dali", Draeger Imprimateurs, 1974
"Invention of the Monsters"
Editors. "Salvador Dali Art Gallery." 2004. 29 Dec. 2004. < [1] >
Salvador Dali
Edwards, Catherine. "Introduction." Lives of the Caesars. Suetonius. Ed. Catherine Edwards. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Caesar's Military Career
Rafferty, Catherine. (October 19, 2001). Socrates in the Apology. Retrieved from the Internet at:
The Alleged Hypocrisy of Socrates
found this on essay 411
Sources list for CATHERINE DALY
Dali, Salvador: (Essay in) "Dali, Dali, Dali" Draeger, Imprimateurs, 1974
"Invention of the Monsters"
Abrams, Harry N,: (Essay in) Dali, Dali, Dali", Draeger Imprimateurs, 1974
"Invention of the Monsters"
Editors. "Salvador Dali Art Gallery." 2004. 29 Dec. 2004. < [1] >
Salvador Dali
Edwards, Catherine. "Introduction." Lives of the Caesars. Suetonius. Ed. Catherine Edwards. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Caesar's Military Career
Rafferty, Catherine. (October 19, 2001). Socrates in the Apology. Retrieved from the Internet at:
The Alleged Hypocrisy of Socrates