Oliver de la Paz, Ching-In Chen, Neil Aitken and William Archila
Oliver de la Paz is the author of three books of poetry: Names Above Houses (SIU Press 2001), Furious Lullaby (SIU Press 2007), and Requiem for the Orchard (University of Akron Press 2010). A recipient of grants from NYFA and the Artists' Trust, he is the co-chair of the Kundiman.org advisory board, and he teaches at Western Washington University. He has recently been invited to read at this summer’s Geraldine R. Dodge Festival.
Ching-In Chen is the author of The Heart's Traffic (Arktoi Books/Red Hen Press). The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she is a Kundiman, Macondo and Lambda Fellow. A community organizer, she has worked in the Asian American communities of San Francisco, Oakland, Riverside and Boston. Ching-In is a co-editor of The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities, forthcoming from South End Press.
Neil Aitken is the author of The Lost Country of Sight, winner of the 2007 Philip Levine Prize, and the editor of Boxcar Poetry Review. He was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and raised in Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and the western United States and Canada. His poems have appeared in Barn Owl Review, Crab Orchard Review, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. A former computer programmer, he is presently pursuing a Phd in literature and creative writing at USC.
William Archila has been published in The Georgia Review, AGNl, Poetry International, The Los Angeles Review, Crab Orchard Review, Poet Lore, and Poetry Daily, among others. He has been awarded the Alan Collins Scholarship at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. He has also received a nomination for a Pushcart Prize in 2010. His first book, The Art of Exile, is the recent winner of the Emerging Writer Fellowship Award from the Writer’s Center. The Art of Exile is also currently featured in “First Things First: The Fifth Annual Debut Poets Roundup” — the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of Poets & Writers.
Doors open 7:15 p.m. / Reading begins at 8 p.m.
$5 donation recommended. Come early for nibbles and assorted beverages.
Oliver de la Paz, Ching-In Chen, Neil Aitken and William Archila
Oliver de la Paz is the author of three books of poetry: Names Above Houses (SIU Press 2001), Furious Lullaby (SIU Press 2007), and Requiem for the Orchard (University of Akron Press 2010). A recipient of grants from NYFA and the Artists' Trust, he is the co-chair of the Kundiman.org advisory board, and he teaches at Western Washington University. He has recently been invited to read at this summer’s Geraldine R. Dodge Festival.
Ching-In Chen is the author of The Heart's Traffic (Arktoi Books/Red Hen Press). The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she is a Kundiman, Macondo and Lambda Fellow. A community organizer, she has worked in the Asian American communities of San Francisco, Oakland, Riverside and Boston. Ching-In is a co-editor of The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities, forthcoming from South End Press.
Neil Aitken is the author of The Lost Country of Sight, winner of the 2007 Philip Levine Prize, and the editor of Boxcar Poetry Review. He was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and raised in Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and the western United States and Canada. His poems have appeared in Barn Owl Review, Crab Orchard Review, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. A former computer programmer, he is presently pursuing a Phd in literature and creative writing at USC.
William Archila has been published in The Georgia Review, AGNl, Poetry International, The Los Angeles Review, Crab Orchard Review, Poet Lore, and Poetry Daily, among others. He has been awarded the Alan Collins Scholarship at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. He has also received a nomination for a Pushcart Prize in 2010. His first book, The Art of Exile, is the recent winner of the Emerging Writer Fellowship Award from the Writer’s Center. The Art of Exile is also currently featured in “First Things First: The Fifth Annual Debut Poets Roundup” — the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of Poets & Writers.
Doors open 7:15 p.m. / Reading begins at 8 p.m.
$5 donation recommended. Come early for nibbles and assorted beverages.