F is for “Foremost,” “Fairest” and “Fine”;

A is for “Able” to do it each time;

I stands for “Ideal” in everything great;

R means the “Rarest” yet found up to date;

B is for “Better,” “Brighter” and “Best”

A is for “Acme,” that stands every test;

N means “no rival,” and that is no jest;

K tells you “keep it” and you will be glad,

S is for “Standard” the best to be had.

F is for “Fairy” white, floating and pure;

A stands for “Always” the good kind, and

I is for “Idol” of rich and of poor;

R is for “Real Merit,” the sort that will stay

Y is for “You,” and you need it each day.

S is for “Soap,” the boon of all health;

O is for “Our” kind, better than wealth;

A is an “Acrostic,” you see it, we hope;

P is for “Perfect” and “Pure” FAIRY SOAP.

Fairy Soap’s interesting advertising stated: “Sense Cents Scents” and “People
with Common Sense pay but five common cents for a soap with no Common Scents/
That’s Fairy Soap.”


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