Saw an old PBS May Ray special last night I'd ordered from netflix.

As you know, Man Ray was a Brooklynite whose post-high school education was at the Modern School, during its hey dey in Manhattan. Lola Ridge, the Ashcan painters, Emma Goldman, Leon Trotsky, Will & Ariel Durant were just some of the luminaries there.

Through the Modern School, Ray met and married Adon LeCroix, a Belgian poet. I am perpetually seeking a scannable version of her book of prose poems, and evidence of any of her visual poetry (she wrote one poem with May Ray). Since she wanted a slightly more open marriage than Man Ray did, and he began beating her, the union ended.

Anyhoo, I think I've posted on all of that before. What I'm posting on now is the relationship of Man Ray to fashion designers: he did support himself occasionally through fashion photography.

He viewed "high" fashion as a DaDa.

As do I.


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