If you find yourself near Chinatown this Sunday afternoon, stop by Mountain Bar to celebrate the launch of the latest issue of Log. Collaborator Florencia Pita and I contributed to this edition. Festivities are sponsored by the Los Angeles Forum for Architecture.

forum holiday party + launch of log 6
Sunday, December 4, 5pm on
Mountain Bar, 475 Gin Ling Way, L.A.

Dim sum will be served.

Editor Cynthia Davidson will speak briefly about the birth of Log in the aftermath of Any. Log 6 contributors who will be in attendance include Forum President Kazys Varnelis, Teddy Cruz, Tom Gilmore, Craig Hodgetts, Wes Jones, Bruna Mori, Florencia Pita, and newly appointed director of the Canadian Centre for Architecture Mirko Zardini.



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