quotes from hd, mrl, and ronald johnson at the new book of ocean review at Eileen tabios' galatea resurrects:
HD: I thought my thought might spoil your thought.
spoil indulge, overripen?
but no, the reviewer has it right, also to keep a thought from creeping separate? not as a contagion -- actually maybe to contain one's own thoughts?
MRL: I don’t want to fall. I want to remain discrete…
MRL: what is an asked division
RJ: when the mingled frame of mind
whet NOT in the mingled mind?
MRL: compulsively light without seam or axis
whole cloth
HD: I feel the meaning that words hide…
MRL: words less tocsin than costume
HD: …little boxes conditioned to hatch butterflies
RJ: It is as if you yourself were your own onlooker
RJ: artifact rather than argument
MRL: yes what does not meld yes
RJ: sustained sequentially as to insistence
MRL: trying to make what doesn’t exist veering past clarity
HD: I thought my thought might spoil your thought.
spoil indulge, overripen?
but no, the reviewer has it right, also to keep a thought from creeping separate? not as a contagion -- actually maybe to contain one's own thoughts?
MRL: I don’t want to fall. I want to remain discrete…
MRL: what is an asked division
RJ: when the mingled frame of mind
whet NOT in the mingled mind?
MRL: compulsively light without seam or axis
whole cloth
HD: I feel the meaning that words hide…
MRL: words less tocsin than costume
HD: …little boxes conditioned to hatch butterflies
RJ: It is as if you yourself were your own onlooker
RJ: artifact rather than argument
MRL: yes what does not meld yes
RJ: sustained sequentially as to insistence
MRL: trying to make what doesn’t exist veering past clarity