another book in the series is autobiography of an aspiring saint, Cecilia Ferrazi, who was an ecstatic who had stigmata and perhaps some other sort of something, maybe not anorexia, maybe some sort of ulcer

she was of low social class but rose in status by taking in orphaned girls; her older sister, who was the one the family afforded to enter the convent, got off better;

this rise in class and lack of cloistering was as threatening as her use of faith alone to approach god, just as using the bible alone was equally bad during the reformation period

the life of a holy person is not an autobiography, it follows a prescribed form, where one is born, a child, and then marries christ; after than a number of miracles and visions occur, but are related in no order

[I've written somewhere -- maybe just in poetry? -- about the heresy book being about forced writing, fraught writing, collaborative w., dictation unreliably recorded, etc. -- a DIALOGUE]

is all confession a dialogue? what about the troubled monologue? for memory/writing as memory -- future readers read as memory

sanctity being a pun: holy/saint -- sanctification

pretense, affectation, simulation -- not possible w/o a standard and audience

not the devil, but they themselves were responsible for their faults: different from the witch craze -- god didn't communicate with oridinary people or many women -- another elitism


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